Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Troop Positions and Their Responsibilities

Tonight there were I think around 17 or 18 boys at the meeting tonight.  There was a lot of talk about the upcoming change of power....yes its election time for troop positions again.  There was lots of talk about what positions were available and what the positions duties were.  
Some of the boys tonight were a little confused as to what all the positions or responsibilities were so I wanted to make something for everyone so no one is confused about each position. 

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
Job Description:
The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) is the executive officer of the troop who works closely with the scoutmaster and other adult leaders as well as the PLC. The SPL is elected by majority vote of the troop. By PLC decision. he must be at least Life rank. He is responsible for leading PLC meetings to plan and organize troop activities. He is responsible, with the help of the other members of the PLC, to plan and carry out the troop meetings. The SPL is the primary officer responsible for discipline in most activities. He is responsible with the help of the other members of the PLC for planning and carrying out all troop campouts or other outings. In particular the SPL is responsible, with the Troop Quartermaster for selecting troop gear to take on campouts. When the SPL cannot be present, he should ensure that a senior member of the PLC (usually the ASPL) will be present to conduct the meeting, organize the campout, etc. The SPL, at the direction of the Scoutmaster, is responsible for writing a summary of accomplishments at the end of each term of office. At all times the SPL must be aware that he is the primary role model for the scout troop and he should demonstrate leadership and provide a living example of the following the principles of scouting.
Reports to: Scoutmaster
Adult Mentor: Scoutmaster
Senior Patrol Leader duties:
  • Preside at all troop meetings, events, activities, and the annual program planning conference.
  • Chairs and regularly attends the Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) monthly meetings occurring during his service period.
  • Collects PLC reports from the Troop Guides and uses them to generate the Troop Meeting Planner and Campout Activities Planner.
  • Appointed other boy leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster.
  • Assign duties and responsibilities to other junior leaders.
  • Assists with Scoutmaster in training junior leaders.
  • Delegates task to the ASPLs. Makes sure an ASPL attends any meeting/function he will not be able to attend (troop, PLC, Committee Meeting, etc.)
  • Oversees the planning efforts of Scouts for all Troop campouts (whether he attends these outing or not).
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Senior Patrol Leader Qualifications:
  • Life Scout
Counts toward rank: Eagle

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
Job Description:
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is the assistant to the SPL. The ASPL is selected jointly by the SPL and Scoutmaster immediately after a new SPL is elected. By PLC decision, the ASPL must be of at least Star rank. The ASPL should be ready at all times to assist the SPL in any duty or to assume the role of the SPL in his absence. Assigned duties may require planning or conducting troop meetings, campouts. etc. The ASPL, at the direction of the Scoutmaster, is responsible for writing a summary of accomplishments at the end of each term of Office.
Reports to: Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Scoutmaster
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader duties:
  • Help with leading meetings and activities as called upon by the Senior Patrol Leader.
  • Take over troop leadership in the absence of the Senior Patrol Leader.
  • In the absence of the Troop Scribe, Historian, or Quartermaster should be prepared to perform the duties of those offices on a temporary basis.
  • Perform tasks assigned by the Senior Patrol Leader.
  • Assist in the training of younger scouts along with the Troop Guide and Instructors.
  • Guide the Troop Historian and the Troop Librarian.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Provide a role model to the troop of cheerful service and an example of following the principles of scouting.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Qualifications:
  • Star Scout
Counts toward rank: Life, Eagle

Patrol Leader
Job Description:
    The Patrol Leader is elected by the patrol and leads the patrol.
Reports to: The Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Scoutmaster
Patrol Leader duties:
  • Plan and lead patrol meetings and activities.
  • Keep patrol members informed.
  • Assign each patrol member a job and help them succeed.
  • Represent the patrol at all Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) meetings and at the annual program planning conference.
  • Prepares the patrol to take part in all troop activities.
  • Develop patrol spirit.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Work with other troop leaders to make the troop run well.
  • Know what patrol members and other leaders can do.
  • Set the example.
  • Wear the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Patrol Leader Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life, Eagle

Troop Quartermaster
Job Description:
    The Troop Quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order.
Reports to: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Adult Quartermaster
Troop Quartermaster duties:
  • Keep records on patrol and troop equipment.
  • Keep equipment in good repair.
  • Issue equipment and see that it is returned in good order.
  • Suggest new or replacement items.
  • Work with the troop committee member responsible for equipment.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Quartermaster Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life, Eagle

Troop Scribe
Job Description:
    The Troop Scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at troop meetings.
Reports to: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Troop Committee Secretary
Troop Scribe duties:
  • Attend and keep a log of Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) Meetings.
  • Record attendance at troop functions.
  • Record advancement in troop records.
  • Work with the troop committee member responsible for finance, records, and advancement.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period..
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Scribe Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life, Eagle

Job Description:
The Bugler plays the bugle at troop ceremonies.
Reports to: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Appointed by Scoutmaster
Bugler duties:
  • Plays bugle as requested by troop leadership.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Plays taps during evening closing ceremony.
Bugler Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
  • Must be able to play bugle/trumpet/cornet
  • Must be able to hit High E without cracking (highest note for most bugle calls)
Counts toward rank: Star, Life

Job Description: The Librarian takes care of troop literature.
Reports to: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Merit Badge Coordinator
Librarian duties:
  • Establish and take care of the troop library.
      - Keep records on literature owned by the troop. - Add new or replacement items as needed. - Keep books and pamphlets available for borrowing at troop meetings. - Keep a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out. - Follow up on late returns.
  • Set a good example.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Librarian Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life

Job Description: The Historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.
Reports to: The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Troop Publicity Coordinator
Historian duties:
  • Gather pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps them in scrapbooks, wall displays or informational ( historical ) files.
  • Take care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities.
  • Keep information about former members of the troop.
  • Set a good example.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Historian Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life

Job Description:
    The Chaplain Aide works with the Troop Chaplain to meet the religious needs of the Scouts in the troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program.
Reports to: the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (and works with the Chaplain)
Adult Mentor: Adult Chaplain
Chaplain Aide duties:
  • Keep troop leader appraised of religious holidays when planning activities.
  • Assist Chaplain or religious coordinator in meeting the religious needs of troop members while on activities.
  • Encourage saying grace at meals while camping or on activities.
  • Tell Scouts about the religious emblem program of their faith.
  • Help plan for religious observance in troop activities.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Set a good example.
  • Enthusiastically wear the Scout uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout spirit.
Chaplain Aide Qualifications:
  • 1st Class Scout
Counts toward rank: Star, Life

Job Description:
    The Assistant Patrol Leader is elected by the Patrol and leads the patrol in the absence of the Patrol Leader.
Reports to: The Patrol Leader
Adult Mentor: Scoutmaster
Assistant Patrol Leader duties:
  • Assist the Patrol Leader in:
      - planning and leading patrol meetings and activities. - keeping patrol members informed. - preparing your patrol to take part in all troop activities.
  • and steer patrol meetings and activities
  • Take charge of the patrol in the absence of the Patrol Leader.
  • Represent the patrol at Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) meetings in the absence of the Patrol Leader.
  • Work with the other troop leaders to make the troop run well.
  • Regularly attends troop meetings, troop campouts, and troop events during his service period.
  • Help develop patrol spirit.
  • Set a good example.
  • Wear the Scout Uniform correctly.
  • Live by the Scout Oath and Law.
  • Show Scout Spirit.
Assistant Patrol Leader Qualifications:
  • Scout
Counts toward rank: none

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